Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Super modified: Heffner Peformance introduced 930-hp turbocharged two-Gallardo

Jason Heffner is a super sports car manufacturer specializing in the conversion business. We are going to be talking about a shake of the Bugatti Veyron super sports car. You may recall that Heffner converted reach a top speed of 222mph Twin Turbo Ford GT. They are the latest results of this two-turbocharged Lamborghini, this car has reached the maximum power of 930hp, to reach maximum torque 762lb-ft. This special edition models in the owner's request to reduce substantially the weight of the body, after an increase of carbon fiber tail, and the rear deck spoiler, sports seats, lightweight wheels are also essential. Of course, the engine is re-converted the first, the engine was completely disintegrated, replaced by a new cylinder, new piston, crankshaft, connecting rod bearings, and so on. With the Twin Turbo and a new intake and exhaust systems, 930hp power this way achieved.
Jason Heffner是专门从事制造超级跑车的改装商。我们将要谈论的是一辆可以甩开布加迪Veyron的超级跑车。你也许还记得Heffner改装的最高时速可达222mph的双涡轮增压福特GT。他们的最新成果是这辆双涡轮增压的兰博基尼,这款车的最大功率达到了930hp,最大扭矩到达762lb-ft。这款特别版车型在车主的要求下大幅度的减轻了车身重量,增加了碳纤维后尾翼,后甲板和扰流器,运动座椅,轻量化轮圈也必不可少。当然引擎是这次改装的重头,引擎完全被解体,换上了新的汽缸套,新的活塞,曲轴,连杆轴承等。在配上双涡轮增压和新的进排气系统,930hp的功率就这样达到了。

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