Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lamborghini is seeking a reduction in CO2 emissions without sacrificing power and sound approach

At present, Ferrari and Lamborghini sports car of all CO2 emissions by more than 400g/km. The EU has already provided for in 2012 before the major car manufacturers of automotive CO2 emissions to an average 120g/km. Last week, Ferrari said that in 2012 its CO2 emissions from cars down to at least 280-300g/km, though will be reduced by 30% over the figure for the EU's target twice as high. It is said that they will be through the development of more economical engines and a different body of material made lighter car. We Lamborghini Lamborghini CEO Stephan Winkelmann informed on this issue and the response was similar, but slightly different. Winkelmann said Lamborghini brands of DNA - "car design, engine sounds, and a top speed from 0 to 100km / h acceleration time", which can not be because of the need to reduce CO2 emissions at the expense of, or else they will no longer be true In the manufacture of a super sports car, which means that they are not manufactured in the Lamborghini. They will not allow such things to happen. Ferrari also holds the same idea, Winkelmann said that Lamborghini owners really driving these super sports car in practice only on weekends, and their sales compared to other brands is only a drop in the bucket, so the impact on the environment can be said to be zero . From this understanding of the sentence, Lamborghini did not intend to change the engine size and voice, they will be more lightweight structures, such as carbon fiber, and so on.
我们从兰博基尼CEO Stephan Winkelmann得知兰博基尼对这个问题的反应也相类似,但是稍微有点不同。Winkelmann表示兰博基尼品牌的DNA--"汽车的设计,引擎的声音,最高时速和0到100km/h的加速时间",这些是不能因为要减少CO2排放而牺牲的,否则他们不再是真正的在制造超级跑车了,这意味着他们不是在制造兰博基尼。他们不会允许这样的事发生的。

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