Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The new model Ferrari California

The new Ferrari California's two-door sports car will be officially opened in 2010, when available, the news for the fans most of the Prancing Horse is undoubtedly exciting, but there is still a small number of critical vision of Che You question why this 'Lack of sense of beauty' models will be in volume production. In order to find fault with those who once again moved the spectators, we are also bringing on the California model of the latest propaganda Mei Tu, the arrival of these works may be able to make those people change their mind.
新版的Ferrari California双门跑车将会在2010年时正式开售,这一消息对于大多数跃马车迷来说无疑是令人振奋的,但是仍旧有少部分眼光挑剔的车友质疑,为何这款'缺乏美感'的车型将会量产。为了再次打动那些挑剔的看客,我们今天又为大家带来了关于California车型的最新宣传美图,或许这些作品的到来能够使得那些人回心转意。

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