Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Maserati MC12 set Nurburgring track record

Do not think Porsche Carrerra GT, Pagani Zonda has quickly. Italy depot in the Maserati MC12's announced in the Nurburgring track record is the fastest single-lap record of commercial vehicles, a total length of 12.8 miles (20.59 kilometers) MC12 time for the completion of 7 minutes 24.29 seconds.
别以为保时捷Carrerra GT、Pagani Zonda已经很快了。意大利车厂玛莎拉蒂在日前宣布旗下MC12才是在Nurburgring赛道创下最快单圈纪录的市售车款,全长12.8英哩(20.59公里)MC12完成时间为7分24.29秒。

MC12 power from the Ferrari ENZO that a V12 engine, 6.0 liters
Price of more than 1,000,000 euros for the Maserati MC12 Ferrari Enzo car extended, is quite interesting in a few days ago Niu Bolin track testing of this Maserati MC12, the owner is the son of a wealthy anonymous, and The anonymous testing in the day, the garage will be rich in ultra-5 to run along the track, in addition to outside the MC12 include: Ferrari Enzo, Koenigsegg CCX, PAGANI Zonda F Clubsport and the Porsche Carrera GT were tested to find drivers To the American Le Mans Series driver who Marc Basseng, and by EVO magazine tested the record.
5 ultra-performance run in accordance with the individual rankings are as follows:

1. Maserati MC12: 7 minutes 24.29 seconds

2. PAGANI Zonda F Clubsport: 7 minutes 24.65 seconds

3. Ferrari Enzo: 7 minutes 25.21 seconds

4. PORSCHE Carrera GT: 7 minutes 28.71 seconds
5. Koenigsegg CCX: 7 minutes 33.6 seconds
While the MC12's really results in five vehicles in the win, but there are still many people known as the MC12 civilian vehicles still in doubt, because the Maserati MC12 global production is only 50 per price to 1,000,000 euros, And the value of Nissan GT-R and so on in Nurburgring track record of the car, the difference is the level of many of the doubts about the media.
MC12动力来自于法拉利 ENZO那具6.0升V12引擎
售价超过百万欧元的玛莎拉蒂 MC12为法拉利 Enzo衍伸车款,相当耐人寻味的是在日前纽柏林赛道进行测试的这部玛莎拉蒂 MC12,车主是一位匿名富豪之子,并且在测试当天这位匿名富豪将车库中五部超跑一起带到了赛道上,除了MC12之外包含:法拉利 Enzo、Koenigsegg CCX、PAGANI Zonda F Clubsport与保时捷 Carrera GT分别进行测试,驾驶找来了Le Mans大赛美国籍车手Marc Basseng,并且由EVO杂志进行测试纪录。
1. 玛莎拉蒂 MC12 :7分24.29秒
2. PAGANI Zonda F Clubsport:7分24.65秒
3. 法拉利 Enzo:7分25.21秒
4. PORSCHE Carrera GT:7分28.71秒
5. Koenigsegg CCX:7分33.6秒
虽然MC12的成绩的确在五部车款中胜出,不过依然有许多人对MC12被称为民用车仍存有疑虑,因为玛莎拉蒂 MC12全球量产仅仅50部,每部又要价百万欧元,其价值与日产 GT-R等曾在Nurburgring赛道创下纪录的车款,等级之差异是许多媒体存疑之处。

Not long ago, in the Nurburgring track in the 2009 Dodge Viper ACR-000 production car in an informal test, in the WTCC driver Tom Coronel driving under 7 minutes 22.10 seconds out of the results, DODGE the factory has not so good There are no published results, it appears that there is always a high mountain, the test results is representative of all, the various depots in the Nurburgring track dispute, there is a struggle!
而在不久之前的Nurburgring赛道中2009年式道奇 Viper ACR以非正式辆产车进行测试,在WTCC车手Tom Coronel的驾驶下跑出7分22.10秒的成绩,DODGE厂方并未对这样优异的成绩有任何发表,看来一山还有一山高,测试成绩是否代表一切,各家车厂的Nurburgring赛道之争,还有得争!

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