Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hyundai's rear-wheel drive two-seater sports car will be launched in 2008

In an interview with BusinessCar the process, the British subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Chairman Tony Whitehorn finally confirmed that a spread of nearly a year, Hyundai will launch a rear-wheel drive two-seater sports car to replace the Tiburon. The vehicle has been used to launch a large number of Veloster concept of design elements, and in the 2008 London Motor Show on an official release.

The car models as well as the name is formally announced, it is hoped that the use of modern 260hp to produce the 3.8L V6 engine and is equipped with a turbocharger of 2L. As for whether or not to use the car V8 engine, is a hybrid electric vehicle, whether diesel-powered version, Whitehorn has not yet been announced.

在接受BusinessCar的采访过程中,现代汽车英国分公司的主席Tony Whitehorn 最终证实了一个流传近一年的消息,现代将推出一款后轮驱动双座跑车来取代Tiburon。这辆车将大量采用已经推出的Veloster概念车中的设计元素,并将在2008年的伦敦车展上正式发布。这部车的型号以及名字尚未正式公布,希望它采用现代的能产生260hp的3.8L V6发动机,并配备一款2L的涡轮增压器。至于该车是否采用V8引擎,是否为混合动力汽车,是否有柴油动力版本,Whitehorn至今尚未公布。

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