Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ferrari California

From a rational point of view, just in Paris Motor Show appearance in the Ferrari California in particular is not a matter of fact, it is just a hard open-deck electric sports car: Mercedes-Benz SL-Class/SLK, Peugeot 206cc/307cc, BMW E93, Mazda MX -5, The public EOS, OPEL Astra TwinTop ... ... an "open-top Ferrari," more attention to? California the most attention is that of an increasingly popular device for the first time with the "Ferrari" link California to become a super sports car sector the most popular topic for. As the first electrical equipment folding hard top version of Ferrari's production, California can be like "Transformers" as the opening and closing of the roof, the deformation of the entire process takes only 14 seconds, the degree of swagger believe that the other is not hard to open Canopy sports car can match.

从理性角度看,刚刚在巴黎车展中亮相的法拉利California其实不算特别,那只不过是一款电动硬顶开篷跑车:奔驰SL-Class/SLK、标致206cc/307cc、宝马E93、马自达MX-5、大众EOS、OPEL Astra TwinTop……一款“开顶法拉利”能有多瞩目?California最瞩目之处就是把一项越来越普及的设备首度与“法拉利”扯上关系,令California成为超级跑车界中最为热门的话题之作。作为第一款装备折叠式电动硬顶的量产版法拉利,California可以像“变形金刚”般将车顶开合,整个变形过程更仅需十四秒,其招摇度相信并非其他硬顶开篷跑车可以媲美。

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