Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Maserati GranTurismo MC Corse concept car

Maserati is a car deep inside a car, they do not want this tradition has been abandoned. Along with this idea, the Trident manufacturers introduced their latest models match the details of this car called GranTurismo MC Corse concept car. This month we gave you bring a modified version of the game GranTurismo as the spy, it looks very good. Based on 430hp GranTurismo S, this MC Corse is designed to challenge the asphalt pavement.
Its engine after a series of improvements, including new intake system, the game's specifications catalytic exhaust purifiers and a center-exit exhaust system, which allows the engine power to 450hp. Grip of the vehicle through the installation of a new front wings, tail and more after the aerodynamic performance of the skirts and more to enhance. At the same time, the suspension has been upgraded to comply with the conditions of the track, put on a 18x12-inch front wheel, rear wheel also put on a 18x13 tire competition. Increased competition and disc brake calipers to better control the vehicle's power, and leave the FIA roll cage. Then MC12 Corse, this GranTurismo MC Corse has promised to bring the real magic of the driving performance of control. At the same time, this may be a Maserati is developing a new car model, we have a very strong feeling. Wait and see.
玛莎拉蒂是一家有着深厚赛车底蕴的汽车公司,他们一直没有想把这个传统抛弃。伴随着这样的想法,这个三叉戟制造商推出了他们最新比赛车型的细节,这款车名叫GranTurismo MC Corse概念车。 这个月我们曾给大家带来了一款经过改装的比赛版GranTurismo的谍照,它看起来非常的不错。基于430hp GranTurismo S,这款MC Corse是专门用来挑战沥青路面的。
它的引擎经过了一系列的改进,包括全新的进气系统,比赛规格的催化排气净化器和一个center-exit排气系统,这使得引擎功率增加到了450hp。整车的抓地力通过加装了全新的前翼,更大的后尾翼和空气动力学性能更加的裙边而到了增强。同时悬架也得到了升级以符合赛道条件,前轮换上了18x12英寸轮圈,后轮换上了18x13轮圈还有比赛轮胎。加大的制动碟和比赛卡钳能够更好的控制整车的动力,还有FIA许可的防滚架。 紧接着MC12 Corse,这款GranTurismo MC Corse许诺将带来真正有魔力的驾驶操控性能。同时这也可能是一款玛莎拉蒂正在开发的新车的样板,我们有很强烈的感觉。拭目以待吧。

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