Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The new Porsche sports car

Porsche's entry-Series Boxster, although the dynamic performance in the Porsche family is not prominent, but it is good fun to manipulate, let it be the favorite as the classic Porsche 911 car line. Porsche has recently announced a new paragraph 09 of the Boxster picture, the 2009 model year will be officially launched watt auto show.

保时捷旗下的入门车系Boxster,虽然动力性能在保时捷家族中不算突出,但是其优异的操控乐趣,却让它所受到的喜爱不亚于保时捷最经典的911车系。近日保时捷公布了全新的09款Boxster的图片,该车型将在2009年内瓦车展上正式推出。 Porsche Boxster
09 brand new Porsche Boxster front section inspired by Cayman, headlight design a more modest changes, and has a trapezoid air intake, the section is obviously different from the oval hole. Rear, Boxster to retain the original two exhaust pipes. The biggest change is that LED taillights - they are not only lighter than body weight of bulbs smaller, but also on the brake pedal faster response.
全新09款保时捷Boxster车头设计灵感来自Cayman,头灯设计也有轻微改动,并拥有一个梯形的进气口,明显不同于现在款的椭圆形孔。后部,Boxster保留了原来的两只排气管。最大的变动就是LED尾灯——它们不09款Boxster将搭载直喷式发动机。虽然还不清楚它的相关数据,但看看同样采用直喷技术的Cayenne发动机的动力输出水品,不难猜测,新Boxster的动力将增加13%左右,而油耗将减少15%。与新911一致,Boxster的内饰将焕然一新:基于硬盘的卫星导航系统,以及更大的显示屏。 Porsche Kaman
Para 09 will Boxster engine with direct injection. Although it was not clear relevant data, but also look at the use of direct injection technology of the Cayenne engine power output of goods in the water, it is not difficult to guess, the new Boxster's power will increase by 13%, while fuel consumption will be reduced by 15%. And the new 911 line, Boxster's interior will be entirely new: the hard drive-based satellite navigation system, as well as the larger screen.
Porsche's seven-speed dual-clutch transmission has been confirmed in the Boxster. Will be held in June 2008 debut of the new Porsche 911 is the first allocation of the Department of DSG-drive models. It is said that it will stick shift through the rapid increase performance, while the economy has been greatly enhanced.  

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