Monday, December 8, 2008

For the wedding - amphibious sports car

Fast car into the life of the people, the use of the car population is also growing, the degree of breakdown is also increasing. Vehicle technology makes cars and more matches between the user, then give users more of the well-being must be feeling. For children to create special health and safety monitoring of vehicles; elderly have special cars; there is alcohol car; have amphibious vehicles, as well as a new special produced by the auxiliary driving cars. Let us introduce [for the wedding - amphibious sports car]: For many people, vehicles divers have only a science fiction movie plot, and the diving convertible car will have a more fascinating charm, if the wedding day, new people Can be multiplied by a diving convertible cars, will undoubtedly cause life-enhancing. Now, Rinspeed published a diving the world's first concept car - sQuba, easy to walk on land and sea between the roadster will have a new underwater wedding dreams to help.

汽车迅速走进百姓生活,使用汽车的人群也在不断扩大,细分程度也在不断加深。汽车科技的发展使得汽车与用户之间更加匹配,随之带给使用者的必然是更多的幸福感觉。有为子女健康安全专门打造的监控车;有老年专用车;有戒酒车;有水陆两栖车,还有为新手专门制作的辅助驾驶车。让我们先来介绍[为婚礼—— 水陆两栖跑车]:对于许多人而言,潜水车仅是科幻电影才有的情节,而敞篷的潜水车更会拥有着迷人的魅力,如果结婚当天,新人能乘上一款敞篷潜水车,无疑将令人终身难忘。现在,Rinspeed发表了全球第一辆潜水概念车——sQuba,能够轻松游走在海陆之间的敞篷跑车将为有着水下婚礼梦想的新人提供帮助。

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