Saturday, December 6, 2008

Flying car market is expected over the next two years

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the U.S. automotive designer, said recently that they have recently in a Ferrari sports car, based on the design of a flight-to-date car. This car is about the total cost of 500,000 pounds, the land 160 kilometers per hour, flying 240 kilometers per hour. Once in volume production, the future of mankind is expected to rid itself of the traffic congestion problem.
Flying car schematic work
This flying car is expected to cost about 500,000 pounds, the design of the land up to 160 kilometers per hour, air can reach a top speed of 240 km. According to the car's designer Bruce - Calkins, this vehicle is flying in the value of approximately 200,000 pounds of 599GTB Ferrari sports car design on the basis of improved form, the car body with 8 "fans." Moving on the ground, these fans for the vehicle to provide a stable, but not too strong driving force. Once entering the air, the car becomes the same as if a helicopter, you can dive, you can move forward, but also about changing the direction of rotation. The vehicle carrying the fuel to ensure it can fly about 1,500 meters altitude. Of course, according to the design, it can fly higher. Calkins said it will use hybrid fuel vehicle and power system for the engine can produce 800 horsepower driving force. One furthest to refuel on land running 240 kilometers, can fly 120 km in the air.According to the modified Ferrari sports car flying car
Calkins, but at the same time admitted that this car is still in the early design stage, can now only see a small experimental model. At first, Calkins is also suspected of such an incredible idea. "We were very much doubt whether we will really be able to land car into the flight vehicle. Experimental model, but to help us quickly confirm this is indeed intriguing thought possible." At that time, a wealthy Russian unbearable because of recurrent Traffic congestion, so the United States Muller international aircraft companies to design a flying car design requirements. As a result, under the auspices of the wealthy, Muller International officially launched the research and development program. For decades, the international Muller's founder and president Paul - Muller has been a dream of a land and air to the invention of the amphibious transport. Of course, the flying car on the road to be opened, not only through related technology, it is also necessary to abide by traffic regulations. Muller believes that the "flying car is technically feasible, but in many cities is strictly prohibited unauthorized flight, unless it is used for other purposes. Whether or not feasible, at least it has stimulated our imagination. This may be imagined Force in the future will allow us to rise vertically out of the traffic congestion problem. "

这种飞行汽车预计造价约为50万英磅,陆地设计时速最高可达160公里,空中最高时速能够达到240公里。据该汽车的设计师布鲁斯-卡尔金斯介绍,这种飞行汽车是在价值大约20万英磅的法拉利599GTB跑车设计方案的基础上改进而成,车身上装有8个 “风扇”。在地面上行驶时,这些风扇为汽车提供稳定但并不是太强的推动力。一旦升入空中,汽车就变得好象直升飞机一样,可以俯冲,可以向前,还可以左右转动改变方向。汽车所携带的燃料可以保证其能够飞到大约1500米的高空。当然,根据设计方案,它还可以飞得更高。卡尔金斯介绍说,该款汽车将采用混合燃料和电力系统为发动机提供动力,可以产生800马力的推动力。一次加油最远能够在陆地上跑240公里,可以在空中飞行120公里。


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