Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Edo lets the motive great leap forward of the Lamborghini LP640

Also remember that not long ago, we talk about in the Edo Competition produced by the company's modified version of the Lamborghini LP 640, in addition to have a murderous look more and more aggressive appearance package, modified its power output in the LP640 is also compared with the original The 640 horsepower more than the 23, it reached a level of 663 horsepower, and at the time of the Edo Lamborghini LP640 is as high as the speed of 345.7km / h. This time, Edo and then lock the target vehicle at the Lamborghini LP 640, and the aim is to let the Lamborghini LP 640 compared to the power of the aforementioned vehicles have a refinement of power, but in the 'surgery' before, Edo This, of course, to re-Edo LP710 / 2 Lamborghini put on a new package, and in the engine room was also put on a new air filter, etc. static parts in an attempt to make this a more violent in the first bull momentum Function.
The results are, of course, the success of the Edo, compared to the previous 663 horsepower, this time Edo simply squeeze 47 more horsepower, and reached the 710-horsepower power level, Edo LP710 / 2 Lamborghini is worthy of the name. The Edo LP710 / 2 Lamborghini maximum torque of 700Nm peak, so that the first bull in 3.2 seconds to complete 0-100km / h speed up ,0-200km / h can be reached within 10 seconds, as Edo LP710 / 2 Lamborghini's Speed is into the 360km / h.
还记得不久以前,我们在谈Edo Competition这家公司所出品的Lamborghini LP 640改装版,除了拥有更为霸气且更具杀气的外观套件外,其改装后的LP640在动力输出方面也比起原厂的640匹马力多出了23匹,因此达到了663匹马力的水平,而当时的Edo Lamborghini LP640的极速则高达了345.7km/h。这一次,Edo再把目标车款锁定在Lamborghini LP 640,而此次的目标则是让Lamborghini LP 640的动力比起前述的车款拥有更为精进的动力,然而在『开刀』之前,Edo当然也重新为这部Edo LP710/2 Lamborghini换上了全新套件,而在引擎室里也换上了全新的空气滤静器等零件,试图要让这头蛮牛拥有更为狂暴的动力性能。结果Edo当然是成功了,比起上一次的663匹马力,这一次Edo硬是多榨出了47匹马力,而达到了710匹马力的动力水平,Edo LP710/2 Lamborghini可谓名副其实。而Edo LP710/2 Lamborghini的700Nm最大扭力峰值,让这头蛮牛可在3.2秒内完成0-100km/h加速,0-200km/h也能在10秒内达成,至于Edo LP710/2 Lamborghini的极速,则是跑进了360km/h的水平。

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