Saturday, September 13, 2008

sport car-NO2

NO2: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500K
"Thunderbolt cars, the crystallization of cutting-edge technology" to see this line, I believe that many netizens also Start to hang up childhood memories.That the U.S. TV series "Knight Rider" in the domestic exhibition, film actor and the "waiter" the perfect mate indeed attract a considerable number of fans, and the almighty thunderbolt car has become the dream of many children to the actual shooting, the specialized building A new generation of "waiter" unique appearance and interior style.A new generation of "waiter" will have three versions: HERO version remains the most dynamic horsepower 540-hp supercharged 5.4 liters engine machinery, dark appearance, and the same 20 years ago, has always been to convey the mysterious style.The more radical high-speed version of the ATTACK, had referred to create Batman, Battlefield Earth, Spider and the Minority Report movie props such as Harold Belker responsible for the vehicles.In Harold Belker and 25 experts work together under the car, ATTACK version from head to toe showing a more dynamic performance, large-scale double-tail, after the re-design the par-module and the car side exaggerated intake and side skirts, Shelby GT500KR version of the market to retain the essence, while adding more entertainment and imagination of Reappear Knight Rider, not only awaken the memories of many fans, Ford also showed a positive combination of film promotion marketing practices.I believe in wave after wave of films under the marketing practices of adding fuel to the flames, Shelby GT500 classic reputation will become more resounding. Ford Mustang Ford Mustang sports car the hearts of Americans is perhaps the most classic of a large family car.In this series of sports cars have swept the world the birth of a lot of the best sports car.Which film has never been like "Knight Rider 2008" with almost all this space to focus on the exaggerated, the outstanding performance of an invincible car is mad.In this movie all the actors are in for a Mustang sports car and Paozhuolongtao, the real protagonist is a will to speak English and almost omnipotent high-tech car.
NO2:福特野马Shelby GT500K
  而更为激进高速的ATTACK版本,则交由曾打造蝙蝠侠、地球战场、蜘蛛人和少数派报告等电影道具车辆的Harold Belker负责。在Harold Belker和25位汽车专家协力下,ATTACK版本从头到脚呈现出更为动感的性能,双层式大型尾翼、重新设计的后保杆模块、以及车侧夸张的进气口和侧裙,在保留市售版Shelby GT500KR的精髓之余,加入更多娱乐和想象空间霹雳游侠的重出江湖,不仅唤醒许多影迷的美好回忆,同时也显现出Ford积极结合电影宣传的营销手法。相信在一波波电影营销手法的推波助澜下,Shelby GT500的经典名声也会更加响亮。

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